I. Purpose

The purpose of this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy (hereinafter “Privacy Policy”) is to comply with the Colombian regulations regarding Personal Data Protection.

II. Scope

This Privacy Policy is applicable both to ARLI S.A.S. (hereinafter “Arli”), as data controller, to its direct and indirect employees, as well as to all those third parties, whether individuals or companies, to whom they transmit personal data collected by Arli, when they carry out data processing on behalf of Arli.

III. Identification of the data controller

IV. Definitions

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the following terms shall be understood to mean:

V. Guiding Principles

The following are the guiding principles regarding the protection of personal data, and shall apply to the processing carried out by the data controller, its employees and all those natural or legal third parties to whom it transmits or transfers personal data of the Data Subjects, when they carry out any processing of the same:

VI. Processing to which personal data will be subjected and the purposes for which they will be used

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the data controller, directly or through data processors, may collect, store, use, circulate, update, delete or perform any other type of processing of the personal data of the Data Subjects, in compliance at all times with the provisions of the regulations in force and for the purposes described below:

VII. Rights of Data Subjects

These are rights of the holders of personal data:

VIII. Duties of the data controller

It is the duty of the data controller:

IX. Duties of data processors

It is the duty of the data processor to:

X. Personal Data Protection Officer

The customer service area will perform the functions of personal data protection officer.

XI. Procedure for the Data Subjects to exercise their rights

The holders or those persons who are legitimized by current regulations may submit PQRSD through the following channel:

The following are the persons entitled to file PQRSD:


The rights of children or adolescents shall be exercised by the persons who are empowered to represent them.

The PQRSD must contain at least:

The petitions, complaints, claims and denunciations will be resolved within fifteen (15) business days following their presentation by the holder or authorized person.

Inquiries shall be resolved within ten (10) business days following their submission by the owner or authorized person.

XII. Validity

This Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy is effective as of January 1, 2024.

The databases subject to processing by the data controller shall remain in force for as long as the purposes for which the data were collected and/or the term established by law.

The controller reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at any time. In case of substantial changes, the controller will communicate these changes to the data subject before or at the latest at the time of implementing the new policies and will require a new authorization when the change refers to the purpose of the processing.